Micro-Fiberglass Elements

Micro-fiberglass filter elements are manufactured from inert micro-fiberglass material bonded with a stable resin, randomly set into a multi-layer composite.

Micro-fiberglass filter elements are an appropriate selection for a majority of applications for liquids and gases. They offer extra protection for your filtration system as a result of their increased dirt holding capacity and particle capture efficiency. The fibers used to produce micro-fiberglass are typically small and uniform in size, resulting in better contamination control for longer system life and less downtime. Our filter media conforms to latest ISO 16889 standards and every element manufactured is functionally and dimensionally interchangeable with OEM filters.

Category: Product ID: 2258


Filter Element Specifications:
  • Designed to provide Bx(c)=1000 filtration efficiencies (ISO 16889) at 2.5, 5, 7, 12 and 22 microns with a minimum Bx=200 (ISO 4572) at 1, 3, 6, 12 and 25 micron ratings
  • Designed to withstand from 150 PSID to 3250 PSID collapse pressure ratings
  • For maximum element durability and long lifecycles, elements can be co-pleated with support layers, including Polymer mesh, Annealed epoxy-coated steel wire, and Stainless steel wire cloth


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