Pleated Filter Bags

Designed to fit a variety of OEM® vessels Including:

3M Cuno
Eaton GAF

Krystil Klear
Filter Technology

Ronnigen Petter

Fluid Flow® pleated filter bags are designed for high flow capacity and high efficiency for liquid filtration. Ultrasonically welded seams with an inside-to-out flow keeps unwanted contaminates in the filter during change out. Our pleat-pack modules and core assemblies are thermally bonded to plastic end caps using a highly specialized, automated assembly process to control the integrity. We produce custom end caps in house with our injection molding process to fit a wide variety of vessels and baskets.

Traditional Standard Liquid Bags are constructed from a variety of material types including polyester and polypropylene needled felt. We can also provide bags produced from polyester, polypropylene , and nylon monofilament or multi-filament mesh.

Standard liquid bags are offered with a single layer of media for nominal filtration, or multiple layers for high efficiency liquid filtration. Ultrasonically welded seams provide assurance for low micron rated critical applications. Plastic flanges along with standard steel rings are available to fit the same OEM vessels.

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