Filter Bag is a special device that extracts harmful or excessive quantities of substances from the air and cleans up polluted air. These Baghouse Filters are made from filter garments or needle-punched fabric and have a cylindrical or round shape.
Efficacy, competitiveness, proficiency and ultimately longevity are the key advantages of best filter bags. Generally, after purification, the pollution in the outlet is only 10 mg / m3 while the air quality is 99.99%.
In dust collection systems and suction systems, a filter to clean the compressed air is mounted and can be widely used in various industries production, including:
- Elimination of dirt and soil from transport companies, such as, in the cement industry;
- Dispensation of ferrous and non-metallic materials, let’s say, in the foundry; and
- Getting rid of the filth from the kettle settings, in biomass burning.
So, how should you choose the best filter bags to cater to your demands? To make your hunt easy and stress-free, we have listed down some tips. Read and follow all of them.
1. Look into the Industrial Process Specifications
Make sure the dust cartridge filter you are purchasing must meet the industrial process specifications, chemical gas and dust characteristics, and plant technological features. And, the cutting of collars, cables, and springs is performed on professional equipment to ensure high-quality sleeves and to guarantee the durability of a fabric screen. These are complicated to know, but you can get the information by talking to a supplier or reading the specifications.
2. Check Best Filter Bag Sleeves

The filtering sleeves that require replacement and often wear out are the main features of the bag filter. Depending on the conditions of its use the material from which the jacket is made is chosen. Quality of material and tailoring play an important role in the successful function of such sleeves because they are impaired by multiple regenerations during service. To make sure to use reliable filters, the sleeves should have high high-tech properties and pass the test for strength, steadiness, and toughness.
3. Take the Fabrics into Consideration
When choosing the best filter bags, it is important to check the fabric used. Although a range of textiles is used in the manufacture of industrial filter bags, tissue felt bags are the most widely used type. Such advanced products have high chemical tolerance to organic acids, mineral acids, and synthetic solvents, alkaline and micro-electric products.
4. Think about the Nature of Dust
The properties of dust and condensed gas should be studied before purchasing the filter. Not all filters can be effective against every type of dust. Think about the dust you want to eliminate and then start looking for relevant filter bags that are suitable for air purification and dust filtering. Make sure that the dust collector configuration matches the filter bag’s efficiency. At the same time, the configuration of the best filter bags, gas cooling devices, and other outlets should also be considered.
5. Keep in Mind the Construction

A lot of people prefer to use a sewn bag to ensure that these bags are properly sealed mechanically. Nevertheless, the small holes created by the needle stitching the fabric are the primary concern of a sewn seam bag. If these holes are wider than the product’s micron value, the undesirable materials will bypass them without any difficulty.
On the other hand, the fabric has been glued together to protect the screening ring and shape the best filter bags. Any unwanted particles will penetrate in case there’s a lack of sewn holes in these containers. While some might be concerned about the reliability of a welded seam, the fact is that you can be certain of its quality using the new fabric welding technologies.
6. Check the Micron Ratings
Nearly every bag has a so-called’ nominal’ ranking. The specialized substance present in the bag thus allows a certain proportion of particles which are larger than micron levels to be circumvented. This will, despite this, not be a concern because testing different micron scores decide the right product size. Then search for filter sleeves to make sure that the gas is filtered.
7. Ensure Temperature Resistance
Any baghouse system plays a crucial role in reaching temperature in the dust collector. Your standard dust collector should have the best filter bags that can withstand the highest potential temperature.
8. Check Ability to Resist Moisture
Polyester, which can be used for virtually any quality filter bags working from ambient or up to 270 ° F and has outstanding strength and efficiency, is often referred to as the workhorse of the industry. This is confirmed by the fact that polyester is the most commonly used pulse jet felt. Polyester is a perfect fit for agriculture, woodworking & chemical application because of its effective filtration energy absorption properties and its tolerance to most oxidant agents, mineral acids and the most volatile solvents.
DHA Filter is an innovative filtration product supplier with a strong presence in the manufacturing sector. We are a results-driven company committed to providing filtration solutions by combining our vast technical expertise in Baghouse filter manufacturer, inclusive customer support, and prompt response.